Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Healing Thoughts To Those Left Behind After Air France Crash

My heart goes out to those left behind after the Air France crash. Many have probably not recovered from the shock. Some may already feel angry and asking "why me."

No one knows why one air plane crashes and another lands on water and not one passenger suffers anything major.

We don't know. It is unexplainable. Even if there was an explanation, at this stage of grief no one would care because that friend or love one is no longer here.

There is an emptiness inside. The children miss their father or mommy. They're asking questions about their whereabouts.

If I could offer one solution it would be to those who can write to write out their feelings. It may feel uncomfortable at first but it will become easier.

There are things you can write that no one will understand. The paper won't judge you. It won't interrupt. It won't try to convince you it will be all right. It won't talk back to you. It will just allow you the freedom to express.

If you feel like laughing today as you reflect on those great memories, then laugh. It's okay. If you feel like crying, then cry. It's okay. If you feel like being angry, then be angry; let it out.

Keep the faith,

The sun will shine again another day, families of the Air France crash.

Would love to hear from you. Want to read something uplifting, visit www.heisamazing.blogspot.com or www.realstoriesrealpeople.blogspot.com

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