Friday, September 5, 2008

How Long Should A Person Grieve?

Think about the people you have lost in your life. Who comes to mind? I have one uncle who introduced me to my first baseball game, with the New York Mets.

He was the uncle when I was working toward a goal of earning enough money for my school uniform, he allowed me to baby sit his children.

I sure miss his teasing. He used to call me niece. He was more of a father figure than my own dad. Yes, he is missed. I didn’t go to the funeral so the way I remember him is full of life.

Funerals are a way of saying farewell; they are final; some say closure.

We deal with grief in our own way. It may be not attending a funeral. It could be to go through the process of grieving with others during the prep for the funeral, at the funeral and after the funeral attempt to celebrate.

When I remember something special about my uncle, I feel the ache in my heart. He’s been dead a number of years but I still feel the lost.

Sometimes it is hard to let go. But in time they fade away.

Some people say, “Let go. They’re gone.”

I don’t cry when I remember now, I smile.

So I guess the pain fades with time, the punch doesn’t knock the wind out of you, leave you sad and longing.

I think I’m going to be all right.

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